beach blog b.i.m.b.o.

Musings and Op-Eds on any and every thing life has to offer, as I sit and enjoy my mornings & evenings on my lil' peace of Miami's South Beach. Things that make me go hmmmm! Things that's on all our minds but never mentioned. You know, those thoughts that bubbles around in your head and take up all of your spare time. Those things or ideas that you run away from. Those things that piss you off. Those things that make you feel helpless. Those things that make you happy!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

What Does It Means To Be Gay?

Gay is simply another census category. It’s a way for society to further classify its populace, in an age when information in all it’s detail rule. We live in a society where the more we know about an individual’s private life the better. We are slowly relinquishing our civil and personal liberties, i.e. right to privacy. People are very open with their personal lives nowadays. That’s the difference between then and now. Before, we kept these kinds of things in the closet, not because they weren’t accepted – each fetish, addiction, and so-called perversion has always had its social circles and outlets- but because we are human and understood that everything had its place. These kinds of things could run amuck if uncontrolled.
We each experience desires that society at some point or the other has stigmatized as unacceptable and abnormal. This was done because we are primarily driven by our emotions rather than our minds – it was societies way of checks and balances. Though our minds create the experiences for us, we allow ourselves to get swept away in our emotions. Thus we render ourselves prisoners to a world based on reaction and response, rather than creation and evolution. We look at creation and evolution as sciences to be studied rather than experiences to be lived.
So today, we allow our closet desires to define us. I am mostly disturbed and offended with the fact that it has become socially acceptable for a group of people to be identified by their sexual orientation, and for this distinction to be socially identified by the corruption of civil and equal rights laws hard fought for by blacks and women during the Civil Rights Movement and the Women’s Movement (E.R.A.). The social liberties that our ancestors worked so hard to ensure for future generations have been misused through the flexibility of society’s laws.
Gay is an upper class fantasy. Thus the ease with which the homosexual phenomena has been integrated into society. It saddens me that the rest of society, especially blacks, has endorsed this trend. I like how older societies, suck as the Victorians, French and Romans, handled homosexuality. It wasn’t cast in the corner, for there are numerous plays and literature (see Shakespeare, O. Wilde) that exhibit the influence of homosexuality in these cultures. But it was primarily an elitist indulgence, with the occasional corruption of a lower class youth.
Gay is not heredity. It’s a mental state, where we allow our lives to be controlled by a fantasy. This fantasy becomes the fabric/foundation of our lives, around which we weave the story in which we are happy, euphoric. Yet, if there is to be happiness there has to be despair. Thus are created the tragedies of the gay experience.


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