beach blog b.i.m.b.o.

Musings and Op-Eds on any and every thing life has to offer, as I sit and enjoy my mornings & evenings on my lil' peace of Miami's South Beach. Things that make me go hmmmm! Things that's on all our minds but never mentioned. You know, those thoughts that bubbles around in your head and take up all of your spare time. Those things or ideas that you run away from. Those things that piss you off. Those things that make you feel helpless. Those things that make you happy!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Mad At the F--king World!

George Carlin's "You Are All Diseased" is share genius. Here's a man who uses intelligence, and common sense plus an extremely colorful vocabulary to make us all bust a gut, all the while laughing along at ourselves. Most people are laughing because he makes them laugh at themselves. Some laugh at his humor because he says exactly what intelligent individuals, who know themselves and see the sometimes ugly truths behind our society, see but never speak of. All of us however appreciate him because he says those things that we have been conditioned not to say in public. Those things that may offend others; he criticizes the abnormal behavior of Americans. He shows us that the big picture is a really f--ked up picture.
Carlin speaks the truth his way - which is, what everyone else is really thinking behind their masks, but would never admit. Why do you think so much Americans embrace his brand of humor? Carlin speaks out about racism, hatred, excess, consumerism, propaganda, and all the ways he thinks the American public is getting shafted by government, big crooked corporations, mass media, but most of all ourselves. Yes, ourselves because we willingly give up our individuality, our civil rights, our human rights for a perception, an illusion of safety, a veil of security.
"The entire country has been full of sh-t since the Declaration of Independence. One big steaming pile of sh-t. Red, White, & Blue All-American Bull!" George Carlin, 2006


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